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Wednesday 25 June 2014

Top Tips for SVGs with AndEngine

Using SVGs to get a TextureRegion in AndEngine is surprisingly simple but there are a few tricks we picked up to maximise the quality of your game's graphics:
  1. Make sure you specify your target SDK and minimum SDK in your app's manifest. This ensures that Android can accurately get the host device's screen size. If you don't do this, graphics may be scaled down and then scaled back up resulting in pixelated images.
  2. Using your AndEngine camera's size, and the screen size of the host device, calculate a scale factor which you can use when creating your texture regions. This ensures they are optimally sized for the screen they are being displayed on.
  3. If you have texture bleeding, try setting the third parameter of your BlackPawnTextureAtlasBuilder to 1. This spaces the generated bitmaps out so that they don't interfere with each other.
  4. If you are noticing unwanted transparency between shapes in your SVG, ensure that the shapes are overlapping. This is important because if there is no overlap, this area may become slightly transparent in the process of converting it to a bitmap.
This is what we started with:

This was the final result:

If you have any other tips, please leave a comment!

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