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Monday 8 May 2017

React Native #9 - Babel

Babel is a dependency that React Native has. Babel lets you write ES2016/ES6 and then it converts this to JavaScript (ES5) that will run on your browser. This is because at the current point in time, the latest version of all major browsers have interpreters that can interpret ES5.

ES2015 adds syntactic sugar to ES5, that can result in faster JavaScript development. It can also result in tidier more readable source code, although of course readability is heavily opinion based so ES6 syntax may not be for everyone. It aims to tackle some of JavaScript's shortcomings addressed by TypeScript/CoffeeScript. This means you can write lambda expressions, JSX, and other syntax available in ES2015.

To write ES2015 in React Native apps you don't need to do any additional work as it is configured by default. However, you can write straight JavaScript if you want to.


Try Babel
JavaScript and ECMAScript

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